7 Tips for Using Instagram for Business

Instagram has over 700 million monthly active users, less competition and a more engaged audience than other social media giants like Facebook or Twitter (sources: StatistaecommerceCEO).

This presents businesses with an opportunity to market their products to a more targeted and interested audience without spending an enormous amount of money on paid advertising. As of January 2018, Instagram’s API has changed to allow users to publish photos or videos to an Instagram Business Profile using a third party platform (like Sendible), making it even easier for brands to take advantage of all Instagram has to offer. 

Whether your strategy needs an update or you’re a newcomer to this social media network, you’ll find these seven tips on how to use Instagram for business superbly useful.

Seven tips for mastering Instagram for business

1. Show what you do in a creative way

Focus on the solution you provide, not the products you sell. On Instagram, it’s essential to add value to your customers and look pretty while you do it. Never underestimate the fact that your most important asset (and downfall) on this social media network is visual content.

If your business is service-oriented, focus on showcasing the process behind providing the service. Show your company culture, share your mission with the world, or simply share some tips and how-to’s. It’s possible to upload photos, short videos (similar to GIFs, called Boomerangs) and videos up to one minute in length.

Read the original article by Sendible Insights here.

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